Marcos de Campos Carneiro
Room 01 of former LET (access through B1-260).
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Miscellaneous Information
Marcos is a professor at the permanent staff of the University of Brasília (UnB), working at the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation (LET) of the Institute of Letters (IL). He is currently part of the academic staff of the Applied Foreign Languages - Multilingualism and Information Society Bachelor's Degree. He concluded his Ph.D. at the Postgraduate Translation Studies programme (PGET) at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), holds a Master's Degree in Applied Foreign Languages (LEA) from the University of Lyon2, in France, specialized in Multilingual Lexicology and Terminology Applied to Translation. Graduated in Letters from the University of Brasília, with a Bachelor's Degree in French and an Academic Degree in Portuguese, Marcos has experience in language teaching, focused on French and Brazilian language and culture, as well as in the fields of lexicology, terminology and corpus lingustics.