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Miscellaneous Information:

Adjunct professor in the Applied Foreign Languages ​​course at the University of Brasília. She holds a postdoctoral degree in Translation Studies from the Federal University of Santa Catarina. She holds a PhD in Literary Theory (2011), a master's degree in Applied Linguistics (2004) and a bachelor's degree in English Translation (1999) from the University of Brasília. Among her research interests are Translation Studies, Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, mainly related to Literature and other arts (comics, cinema, music, etc). As a teacher, she has worked: in basic education at the Federal District Education Department (child education, special education and EJA), at the University of Brasília as a substitute teacher in the Letters-Translation course (for six years), at the IESB and at Faculdade Evangélica as a professor of Portuguese and English and at the Catholic University of Brasília as a professor of English and respective literatures. Along with Professor Dr. Sidney Barbosa, she coordinates the LiterArtes research group at the University of Brasília.