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Miscellaneous Information

Miscellaneous Information:

Ph.D. in Communication from the University of Brasília (2016) with a CAPES grant to carry out a one-year Doctoral internship at the Complutense University of Madrid (August 2014-July 2015). She holds a Master’s degree in Applied Linguistics (2011) from the University of Brasília (UnB). She also holds a degree in Translation and Interpretation (2001) from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Helena is an Associate Professor of the Bachelor's Degree in Applied Foreign Languages - Multilingualism and Information Society (LEA-MSI) and the Graduate Program in Translation Studies at the University of Brasília. She is the leader of Acesso Livre - a research and extension group - and coordinator of the UnB Idiomas Accessibility Center. Furthermore, she is a founding member of NTAAI - Núcleo de Tecnologia Assistiva, Acessibilidade e Inovação (Center for Assistive Technology, Accessibility, and Innovation). Her research mainly focuses on Audiovisual Translation, Audiovisual Accessibility, and Language Teaching.